How an Army of Junkies and Kids Enriches Tech Titans
There's no question Zynga is on a roll. Despite a scandal over the scammy commercial "offers" it once inflicted on users of its online games, the company has been embraced by Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who in June called Zynga's Farmville a "remarkable phenomenon" and unveiled an iPhone version of the virtual agriculture competition. Zynga sealed a five-year deal with Facebook, the social network that generates most of its traffic. And now, according to TechCrunch, Google has put in $100 million for first rights to Zynga's new games, a partnership that it plans to make a big part of a new social network to competewith Facebook.
Clearly, the companies want some of the sweet bank Zynga is making off online gamers; Zynga grosses around $500 million per year and is growing that number quickly with a roster that now includes FishVille, FrontierVille, PetVille and YoVille, whatever that is.
But for Google, Apple and Facebook the PR risk of their recent dealmaking goes beyond Pincus and Zynga and to their customers, current and prospective.
In the online gaming industry, the most addicted customers — and the most lucrative — are referred to as "whales." They spend insane amounts of money buying virtual goods to advance in online games, whether it's seeds in FarmVille or fake fish tank "pearls" in Fishies. And in many cases they really shouldn't be spending that money in the first place, because they can't afford to - they're junkies.
J.R. Parker, the Sacramento-based attorney pursuing the class action case against Facebook, told me online gaming addicts include people on disability and fixed income. As with games like video poker or the lottery, the games can become all someone has in life.
People with access to more money and who are better off can still get themselves in deep. Parker:
We've been shocked by the hundreds of people who contracted us and the many, many people out there who spends hundreds and thousands and tens of thousands of dollars on these games.
And Zynga is happy to take junkie kids' money. After one British 12-year-old spent $1,300 on Farmville by stealing his mom's credit card, the companyrefused to reverse the charges. Refused to refund charges for imaginary products that never even existed to begin with.
Apple has already had its first take of the child gaming controversy. Last month,designer Mike Rhode got angry that Apple's iPad payment system allowed his seven year old son to buy $190 in virtual goods for the game Fishes (not associated with Zynga). Rhode had entered his Apple Store password 15 minutes earlier to buy a racing game, and the system cached the password and happily let his son buy whatever he wanted in the "free" Fishies game. When Rhode appealed to Apple for a refund he was told "all sales are final." Again, for a sale of something that doesn't even actually exist.
[Top photo by dundanim/Shutterstock. Photo of Jobs via Engadget. Photo of Pincus via Getty Images]
This angers me!!! How could they not give back the money especially when they find out a child did it. Plus the money was spent money on things that didn't exist to being with!! How do you take money for something like that?? Where is the security??? I love the games just as much as the next person but won't catch me dumping money into them. Maybe buy a game card here and there if I have extra money. Those other then children spending the money well they are grown ups and know if they have the money or not. People your pet in petville doesn't know you don't come every day, your crops yes will die so not like you are making real money on them. Have fun playing the games, helping out your neighbors or your mafia family but watch your money. Zynga is taking in millions but won't take the time to talk to people about the issues going on. There has to be a better way.
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