I must say this week is going to be a short blog for the most part. John and Tre were having technical issues, they kept breaking up so hard to hear.
Ok so John started out the show with the Obituaries. One that touched everyone in the Mafia Wars world was a young boy name Matty, he was 10 and lost his battle to cancer. The MW community had gotten together and did a mock war for him at one point to help with medical treatments and to help him live a better life. He changed the lives of many people. He was lots of fun and special to everyone. (As a mother of a 9 year old I could only imagine what it would be like to lose my child, my heart and prayers go out to Matty's family.)
Next John had Joey Giggles on the show. John tried doing a NY accent, yes I know he comes from NY but he has been in Florida to long. He lost his Brooklyn accent. Sorry John fact is fact :-) LOL
Joey started by sending his condolences to Matty's family. He began talking about his work with Bill Zucker. Bill is a comedian\singer, he does funny songs like the twitter song, tarp song etc. Bill works with people from Kelsey Grammer, Scott Baio and list goes on. Also Joey had his own show on BlogTalkRadio.com called Positive Experience. Its all about bringing people's mind set to a positive place instead of negative. He also has videos on youtube-youtube.com/joeygiggles Once he left they discussed his Brooklyn accent, now he has a Brooklyn accent. John once again tried to be Brooklyn...NOT ROTFL We who know him know he still has Brooklyn in his heart, soul and blood even though he lost his accent.:-D
Mafia Wars News
New mini energy packs coming out this week. 6 mini 25% energy get extra 25% more energy.
On Thursday there were just so many bugs with the game. It was very frustrating. War feature went down. The biggest bug was the masks, people were accepting them but it was registering. So people collect the 40 and didn't register so had to wait till next day to collect all over.
Mock War
2nd Endorsed War by Zynga, Starts March 17th and goes till March 20th. Its St. Paddy's Mock War. Link http://www.facebook.com/StPatricksMockWar
Tre talked about the free for alls but was hard to hear him. So do check out the Facebook & Zynga Podcast Fan page or Pinnacle War page for more information. Also if you have a mock war or free for all you want mentioned on the show email Tre York.
This is it for at this point things went real bad with hearing them. They were talking about helping Japan but not sure what they were saying. You can always visit the Facebook and Zynga Podcast Fan Page..link http://www.facebook.com/TheFBZyngaPodcast They had a young lady on named Susan she was announcing her engagement but I not sure of all details due to the breaking up. Then show went down after that.
Had some emails regarding issues or comments people wanted me to blog about and I will next week. Just didn't feel right to do it this week, due to the passing of young Matty.
I wish everyone a HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!! STAY SAFE IF GOING OUT PARTYING. To all the MW members going to the meet and greet in Florida this weekend have a wonderful time, again stay safe.
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